Marin City comprehensive watershed and flood mitigation plan update, June 2022

Posted on June 27, 2022

Marin City Drainage Study Aerial Photo
Marin City Drainage Study Aerial Photo

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation (District) has been working since October 2020 to seek feedback on a comprehensive stormwater planning scope to identify flooding areas and recommend improvements.

We have been working with a Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board Subcommittee to get feedback on a comprehensive stormwater planning scope that builds on work identified in:

Also, the planning process will coordinate with Caltrans’ sea level rise project for State Route 1 and US HWY 101 between Manzanita and Marin City. A Caltrans Project Initiation Document (PID) is expected by June 2023.

A request for qualifications and proposals (RFQ/P) for a consulting firm to support this planning work was posted this month. Qualifications and proposals will be reviewed late this summer and a consultant could be awarded a contract in the fall. The release of the RFQ/P is still only the beginning of the planning process which will unfold over the next 1-2 years.

Learn more about the Marin City Comprehensive Watershed and Flood Mitigation Plan project.

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