Zone 3 Statement of Proposed Action – Land Donation: December 6, 2018

Dec 6 2018

Statement of Proposed Action has been prepared in place of a meeting.

An in-person meeting will be scheduled at a later date.

Select the Agenda Packet tab to view the Statement of Proposed Action.

Statement of Proposed Action

According to the Water Code, Section 68-6.2, Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) staff submits this Statement of Proposed Action to provide any Zone 3 Advisory Board (AB) Member an opportunity to respond or provide written comment on the item outlined below within the next 30 days (expires January 5, 2019).

Any individual AB member may contact the Flood Control Zone 3 Zone Engineer, Scott McMorrow, at (415) 473-2918 to request an AB meeting in order to discuss any items related to the zone. To comply with Brown Act requirements, all meetings of a quorum of AB members to discuss Zone business must be publicly noticed.

Item 1. Commit Zone 3 Funds and Acquisition of a Portion of Martin’s Triangle property in Mill Valley (APN: 052-052-39)

District staff successfully negotiated a three-year, no-cost lease agreement with Jack and Judy Martin for a portion of their land known as Martin’s Triangle, APN 052-052-39 (please see graphic below for project location). The purpose of this lease is to allow the District to stockpile sediment that is removed from Coyote Creek for flood control mitigation, with the intent to reuse the sediment in a pending Bothin Marsh restoration.

During the course of the lease negotiation, the Martins made a generous offer to donate this portion of land to the District, as well as provide an access easement to the property. The Martins would not seek payment for the land or easement, yet they also do not want to incur any costs for making the donation. The District has conducted a Phase I Environmental Assessment of the proposed lot to be donated, and no Recognized Environmental Conditions were found. The cost for the assessment was $2,500.

In order to complete the donation, the District would need to survey the portion of lot being donated, create and record the legal documents required to sub-divide the portion of the lot being donated, and create the legal documents for the access easement. The cost estimate for this work is $11,000 and the work would be conducted by the Department of Public Works Engineering (survey section) and Real Estate Divisions with oversight by District staff. There are funds in the 2018-19 Zone 3 Budget to complete this work.

Acquisition of this property aligns with the District’s ongoing sediment removal program in Coyote Creek and provides the benefit of having a place to stockpile spoils. Maintenance of the proposed donation is minimal and consists of mowing a small section of the lot. This mowing work can be incorporated into the existing annual mowing plan the District implements in Zone 3.

With this Statement of Proposed Action, staff is proposing to proceed with the land acquisition and expenditure of funds to complete the donation.

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