Marin County Flood Control District is requesting an increase in FEMA grant funds to design and construct various stormwater drainage improvements in and around the Marin City Pond, which includes a pump station. While awaiting next steps on those potential projects, the District is also implementing a “portable pump station” on Donahue Street near Drake Avenue, which will help reduce flooding depth and duration along the thoroughfare. There is also an environmental clean-up dredge being considered with funds set aside by the State.
CalTrans’ Office of Advanced Planning is using State transportation funds to conduct sea level rise planning specifically on State-managed lands and rights-of-way in the area, including the on- and off-ramp to Marin City. Please check with Caltrans directly for more information on that effort.
The Marin City Stormwater Plan will coordinate with the Federal and State planning efforts while focusing on local roads and infrastructure within Marin City. However, the Stormwater Plan is a separate undertaking from the work being done in relation to the $10 million in state funding secured by Senator McGuire in 2022.