Category: Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project

Open House Scheduled for Corte Madera Creek Project

For Immediate Release – Ross Valley, CA – An informational event on this flood risk reduction project’s progress is set for October 15 The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will soon host an information open house about an ongoing project to reduce the frequency and severity of flooding in the lower Ross Valley. Modifications … Continued

Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project update, May 2024

Construction of the Granton Park Stormwater Pump Station is substantially complete. PG&E will energize the station soon and the District anticipates completing final pump testing in July 2024. The pump station is expected to be operational for the coming winter season.  In February 2024, the District began working with a consultant to provide Federal Emergency Management … Continued

Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project update, March 2022

On March 15, 2022 the Board approved the construction plans and authorized bidding to begin for the first portion of the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project. This includes the new stormwater pump station and new vehicular maintenance access ramp in the Granton Park neighborhood. The plans and specifications are available to view through … Continued

Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project update, June 2021

In response to public comments on the draft environmental impact report, including a Town of Ross survey and letter from the Town of Ross indicating strong local preference for Alternative 1, the District staff will recommend adoption of Alternative 1 instead of the proposed project. Alternative 1 will not include modifications to Frederick Allen Park. … Continued

Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project Update, October 2019

As reported previously, the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project scope and timeline has shifted away from one led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to a locally managed and funded effort overseen by the Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (District), in partnership with the Town of Ross, the … Continued

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