Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project update, June 2021

Posted on June 1, 2021

In response to public comments on the draft environmental impact report, including a Town of Ross survey and letter from the Town of Ross indicating strong local preference for Alternative 1, the District staff will recommend adoption of Alternative 1 instead of the proposed project.

Alternative 1 will not include modifications to Frederick Allen Park. Alternative 1 includes the following elements:

  • Fish ladder removal with grading and streambank stabilization in Unit 4 to transition to the concrete channel in Unit 3
  • Taller floodwalls in Units 3 and 2
  • Stormwater pump station
  • New larger fish pools in the concrete channel
  • Removal of the concrete channel walls and creation of salt marsh habitat downstream of Stadium Way

Alternative 1 meets most project objectives and provides flood risk reduction as described in the Draft environmental impact report.

For more information, visit the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project page.

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