FAQ Topic: Marin City Stormwater Plan
Three community meetings will be held in Marin City as part of the Marin City Stormwater Plan process during 2023 and 2024. You are encouraged to attend and provide input during those meetings, no registration is required to attend as meetings will be listed from the project page and notifications prior to the meeting will … Continued
Marin County Flood Control District is requesting an increase in FEMA grant funds to design and construct various stormwater drainage improvements in and around the Marin City Pond, which includes a pump station. While awaiting next steps on those potential projects, the District is also implementing a “portable pump station” on Donahue Street near Drake … Continued
There are two ways to stay informed about this project: Sign up for email updates to receive notices of upcoming Flood Control Zone 3 related community meetings and events, which will include updates specific to the Marin City Stormwater Plan. Visit the project webpagehttps://marinflooddistrict.org/marin-city-stormwater-plan-meetings/ regularly for updates from past community meetings, updates following Task Force … Continued
The geography of the watershed, in which rainfall channels its way from the surrounding hills down through Marin City and out to Richardson Bay, creates complex challenges for developing flood risk reduction measures. The densely populated area was built upon wetlands before contemporary construction methods and stormwater runoff can overwhelm the neighborhood’s aging drainage system … Continued
Draft and final plan documents will be posted on the project webpage as they become available. Please check the webpage regularly for progress updates. Availability of the draft and final plans will also be announced via News Releases from the District. Please sign up for the Flood Control Zone 3 email list to be notified … Continued
The Marin City Stormwater Plan will result in a public stormwater infrastructure plan of potential projects that reflects direct input from Marin City residents and organizations in partnership with the various public agencies that have responsibilities in the watershed. This public stormwater infrastructure plan will recommend various flood risk reduction projects and drainage improvements for … Continued
The current Marin City Stormwater Plan, which is being initiated in Spring 2023, will build on prior studies, including: 2018 Wood Rogers Marin City Drainage Study 2018 Marin City People’s Plan Designing our Own Solutions Report 2022 Schaaf & Wheeler Donahue Bypass initial concepts 2023 Siegfried Marin County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Development Study (Studies available … Continued