Flood Control Zone 1: Novato


Zone 1 was formed in 1955 to address flooding issues in downtown Novato and surrounding areas.

Zone 1 is the largest zone by area in Marin. It covers over 45 square miles. It includes the City of Novato and portions of unincorporated County in:

  • Indian Valley
  • Bel Marin Keys
  • Green Point
  • Black Point
  • Loma Verde
  • Western Novato

There are 21,580 parcels within the Zone.

The boundaries of the Zone and the Novato Creek Watershed closely align. Novato Creek is a substantial perennial stream that extends approximately 17 miles from San Pablo Bay to its headwaters at Stafford Lake, and about another 6 miles upstream of the Lake.

Tributaries including Bowman Creek, Simmons Creek, Warner Creek and Arroyo Avichi, drain the subwatersheds.


Zone 1 is located within the Novato Creek watershed and the Rush Creek watershed.

Work program

The Zone work program includes:

  • Regular servicing of District-owned facilities including 4 pump stations along Novato Creek
  • Nine miles of flood protection levees on Novato Creek
  • Select tidegates and trash racks on tributaries to Novato Creek and Rush Creek
  • Annual vegetation management along 15 miles of creeks tributary to Novato Creek and Rush Creek
  • Periodic removal of accumulated sediment from lower Novato Creek, Warner Creek and Arroyo Avichi to improve flow conveyance

The Zone is overseen by a five-member Advisory Board.

Upcoming meetings

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  • Phone: (415) 473-6528
  • Contact us by email
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