Novato Creek Maintenance Sediment Removal


Heron's Beak Pond
Heron’s Beak pond in 2020, after placement of sediment removed from Novato Creek

Sediment is removed every four years from Novato Creek, Warner Creek, and Arroyo Avichi between approximately Diablo Ave and the SMART railroad crossing downstream of Rowland Way.

The most recent removal was between July and October 2020. Sediment was beneficially reused on a proposed future ecotone levee in Deer Island Basin and in Heron’s Beak Pond. This helped prepare these basins for future restoration efforts. This work was completed by Team Ghilotti for about $1.6 million.

A 2020 study consisting of a hydraulic model of the sediment removal evaluated effectiveness of the sediment removal. The Flood Zone 1 Advisory Board is evaluating potential projects that may be more effective at protecting downtown Novato than sediment removal, such as tide gates and pump stations.


  • Design - 2024
  • Permitting and CEQA - 2024
  • Construction - 2025


Under the existing Programmatic Maintenance permits, the District evaluated the need for smaller scale sediment removal and vegetation management in 2023 and 2024 and it was determined not to be needed.

The District is working with the Flood Zone 1 Advisory Board to recommend rescheduling the next full sediment removal to 2025.

A contract was awarded to a consultant for creek sediment characterization, surveying, permitting support, and design services for the 2025 Novato Creek Sediment Removal Project located in Novato, California.


Zone 1: Novato


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