Marin City Pond Flood Reduction Project


The purpose of the Marin City Pond Flood Reduction Project is to make several improvements to the stormwater drainage and pond system . This includes a new pump station at the pond to improve drainage out of the pond to the bay.

The initial plan was for a trenchless installation of the culvert. After further geotechnical analysis in August 2021, this approach was found to be technically infeasible. Issues around the subsurface soils make trenchless installation risky and prone to failure.

The project team developed a new design with a pump station  and floodwall  at the edge of the pond that uses the existing pipe under US 101 to drain flood waters. These proposed improvements reduce flood risk under current conditions and expected sea level rise conditions.


A contract for design, permitting and environmental analysis for the pump station project is currently slated to be awarded on September 19, 2023. Draft design will likely be completed around the end of 2024, and CEQA in 2025.  Construction could occur as early as 2027, depending on environmental review needs and funding availability.


The budget for design, permitting and environmental analysis contract is approximately $1.3M.

The estimated total cost for the revised project scope is approximately $15 million and the District is working with FEMA to help fund this project.


Zone 3: Richardson Bay

Agencies and partners

  • Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District
  • California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • Audubon California
  • Marin City Climate Resilience and Health Justice
  • Marin City Community Service District


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