Flood Control Zone 7: Santa Venetia


Zone 7 was created in 1962 to address creek and tidal flooding within the low-lying unincorporated community of Santa Venetia.

Zone 7 is the second-smallest flood control zone in the county. It occupies a small part of the lower Gallinas Creek Watershed and covers 0.42 square miles in unincorporated Santa Venetia. There are 890 parcels in the Zone.

Santa Venetia was one of the first developments in Marin County to be constructed on fill over bay mud. It was built in an era before the County had the authority to regulate or control development.

Due to the low initial elevation of the fill and the compressible nature of the underlying bay mud, the area has subsided and is now below the high tide level.


Zone 7 is located within the Gallinas Creek watershed. The Zone does not include the Gallinas Creek channel. County Service Area 6 covers navigational dredging in part of the creek channel and adjacent parcels.

Work program

The Zone 7 work program includes:

  • Regular servicing of 14 pumps at 5 pump stations
  • Maintenance of 5 portable pumps
  • Maintenance of 1.9 miles of flood protection levees
  • Maintenance of tidegates and trash racks
  • Annual vegetation maintenance along 0.85 mile of creek

The Zone is overseen by a five-member Advisory Board.

Upcoming meetings

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  • Phone: (415) 473-6528
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